The intention of our lending library is for classroom use by educators. Contact, Sarah Beckham, Associate Director (608) 262-3209 or e-mail: to request the use of an item.
Videos are available (pending usage by another educator) and can be reserved for a specific date. We will send them out for a week only, and they must be returned to the Center for South Asia within that time. For more information and a complete list of documentaries produced by the center go to: (Index is currently under reconstruction)
- A Tribe of his Own: The Jounalism of P. Sainath
- A Woman’s Place
- Altar of Fire
- After Shock
- Afghanistan (Exploring the Taliban Revolution)
- Afghan Nomads: The Maldar
- Angst at Large
- Amir: An Afghan Refugee Musician’s Life in Peshawar, Pakistan
- Bhopal Express
- BitterSweet
- Born into Brothels
- Buddhism: The Great Wheel of Being
- Bundelkhand Express
- Creating Buddhas
- Division of Hearts
- Don’t Ask Why
- Final Solution
- Forced
- From Africa… to India: Sidi Music in the Indian Ocean Diaspora
- India: Defying the Crown
- Journeys into Islamic India
- Kaise Jeebo Re! (How Do I Survive, My Friend!)
- Kandahar
- Kashmir: Valley of Despair
- Kasthuri: A South Indian Film Star
- Lord of the Dance, Destroyer of Illusion
- Loving Krishna
- Mahatma Gandhi: The Great Soul Lives
- Miss India Georgia
- Nalini by day, Nancy by night
- Nee Engey ‘Where Are You’
- New Empire
- No More Tears Sister: Anatomy of Hope & Betrayal
- Occupation: Millwork
- Pakistan: Between Chaitralis and Pathans
- Partition
- Puja: Expressions of Hindu Devotion
- Pure Chutney
- The Mahabharata (Part I, II, III)
- The Nehru – Gandhi Dynasty
- The Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche
- Pandemic: Facing AIDS
- Serpent Mother
- Sons of Shiva
- Spotlight on Ramayana
- Tantra of Gyuto
- Trekking on Tradition
- Turbans
- Vaastu Marabu
- Voices of the Sidis: Two Documentaries
- The Vote
- War & Peace
- We Are Not Your Monkeys
- We’re Indian and African: Voices of the Sidis
- Wheat Cycle
- Who Will Cast The First Stone
- When Women Unite: The Story of an Uprising